Insight Conversations

Career Physician and the Child Health Advisory Council are firmly committed to capturing the leadership wisdom of senior and emeritus pediatric chiefs and chairs and to passing it on to current and future generations. With the current shortages in leadership, many young pediatric leaders are being pressed into service early. We have seen firsthand how the Pediatric Insight articles, webinars and conversations are positively impacting the legacies of these leaders and the faculty and patients they serve. Enjoy! 

  • The Search Process for Candidates - Pediatric Insight: Passing Leadership Wisdom To The Next Generation Topic: The Search Process for Candidates The Child Health Advisory Council discusses best practices in the search process including changes that have evolved over the last few decades (e.g. Zoom interviews, impact of social media/employment platforms etc.) and their impact. Key strategies for success are highlighted […]
  • The Risks of Not Checking References in Hiring - Pediatric Insight: Passing Leadership Wisdom To The Next Generation Topic: The Risks of Not Checking References in Hiring Bringing a faculty member or leader into an organization has very important implications for the future success of the organization and the recruit. Making a bad choice in hiring is extraordinarily painful for a department and for […]
  • The Innumerable Costs of an Unsuccessful (FAILED) Search in Academic Pediatrics - Pediatric Insight: Passing Leadership Wisdom To The Next Generation Topic: The Innumerable Costs of an Unsuccessful (FAILED) Search in Academic Pediatrics Valerie P. Opipari, MD, Bruder Stapleton, MD and Wesley Millican, MBA There are few responsibilities with more consequences to the leadership of an organization its divisions, departments, school, or hospital/health system than recruiting talent […]
  • Strategies for Building Clinical Research Infrastructure - Pediatric Insight: Passing Leadership Wisdom To The Next Generation Topic: Strategies for Building Clinical Research Infrastructure This Pediatric Insight Conversation focused on needs, approaches, and strategies for doing the critically essential work of clinical research that is crucial to continuously improving patient care and outcomes in pediatrics. Listen to the Podcast: Duration: 00:31:06 | Recorded on […]
  • Strategies for Building Clinical Research - Pediatric Insight: Passing Leadership Wisdom To The Next Generation Topic: Strategies for Building Clinical Research Our goal as pediatricians is to improve patient care and outcomes. Our panel discusses how and why clinical research is critical to that goal. We also emphasize how clinical research improves interactions among faculty; extends collaboration to other departments; schools, […]
  • No Margin, No Mission – Fiscal Focus and Transparency - Pediatric Insight: Passing Leadership Wisdom To The Next Generation Topic: No Margin, No Mission – Fiscal Focus and Transparency The fiscal challenges in academic medicine are apparent to us all — particularly in academic pediatric medicine. The many pressures of increasing complexity of clinical care, decreased reimbursement (especially from government payors such as Medicaid), competing […]
  • Responsibilities of the Chair of a Search Committee - Pediatric Insight: Passing Leadership Wisdom To The Next Generation Topic: Responsibilities of the Chair of a Search Committee Clarity in understanding the responsibilities of the Chair of a Search Committee is important to a successful process. The goal of the process is to identify the best candidate for the position that is to be filled. This […]
  • New Leader Engagement: Part 2 - Pediatric Insight: Passing Leadership Wisdom To The Next Generation Topic: New Leader Engagement: Part 2 Making New Leaders Successful Career Physician’s New Leader Engagement Program is a comprehensive leadership development approach that has proven to optimize a leader’s success in his/her new role. An experienced leader in the specialty performs an extensive review of the institution […]
  • New Leader Engagement: Part 1 - Pediatric Insight: Passing Leadership Wisdom To The Next Generation Topic: New Leader Engagement: Part 1 We are in a challenging time for medicine, particularly academic medicine. Consequently, effective leadership is even more important now than ever before in academic medical centers. Yet unfortunately, the pipeline of up-and-coming physician leaders seems to be less robust. Thus, new […]
  • The Review Process - Pediatric Insight: Passing Leadership Wisdom To The Next Generation Topic: The Review Process The Child Health Advisory Council members, former senior leaders in academic pediatrics, can provide division, department or institutional reviews as a component of pediatric search strategy and preparation. These reviews provide an opportunity for organizations to establish self-awareness of both challenges and opportunities […]

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