Core Leadership Competencies


Attracts, inspires and educates the next generation of pediatrician, subspecialist and surgeons while foster their meaningful impact across all missions

Attributes  |  Assessment Questions  |  FAQ  |  Pediatric Leadership Insights  |  Additional Resources


  • Protected time and salary support for faculty contributions to educational mission
  • Faculty rewards structure that encourages innovation and continuous improvement for all educational programs
  • Established efficacy measures and metrics of success for education initiatives and for program graduates
  • Established faculty and trainee development programs devoted to education
  • Diversity in trainees and educational leaders
  • Succession plan for educational leaders

Assessment Questions

  • Do you have a mission statement (include goals/importance) for your educational programs (including CME)?
  • How have you selected the educational leadership for your program(s)?
  • Do your faculty have “protected time”/effort support for their leadership of, and/or participation in educational programs?
  • Are there faculty development programs at your institution that are focused on faculty educators?
  • Are there clear expectations, track descriptions, performance measures, and promotion criteria for faculty clinician-educators?
  • What innovations have you initiated or supported in your educational programs?
  • How do you monitor the quality, the success of your education programs?
  • What initiatives do you utilize to improve retention of faculty educators? Of the best trainees as faculty?
  • Are your training program(s) highly rated by trainees?
  • Are you satisfied with the quality/diversity of training program applicants? If not, what measures can be taken to improve?

Pediatric Leadership Insight

  • Leadership Development in the Face of Scarce Resources - Pediatric Insight: Passing Leadership Wisdom To The Next Generation Topic: Leadership Development in the Face of Scarce Resources Many of our faculty may not recognize the many roles they play that require leadership perspective and skills. It is a tremendously exciting opportunity to help our faculty become the most effective leader they can be. There […]
  • Creating Successful Departmental Education Programs - Pediatric Insight: Passing Leadership Wisdom To The Next Generation Topic: Creating Successful Departmental Education Programs Innovative and effective education programs are essential to prepare students, residents, and pediatricians to address the dynamic social and health environment facing children. Often the medical education mission is undervalued for faculty advancement and under resourced to support educators. This […]


Is a division chief role the likely next step for fellowship program directors?

Answer: Highly variable, depending primarily on the career aspirations of that program director, whether they are considering an internal vs. external chief position and on their strengths and weaknesses as a program director, especially related to the financial oversight of education programs.

What qualities do you look for in selecting new leaders for your educational programs?

Answer: With both external & internal candidates, look for evidence of leadership experience/skills (no matter the venue), commitment to medical education, contributions to educational scholarship and most important—desire to be a program director!

Several of my division chiefs also serve as their division’s fellowship program director. Do you recommend that?

Answer: Depends how successful these individuals are at both roles and how satisfied they are, which likely depends on the size (and growth?) of the division & training program.

Are there any organizations that residency and fellowship training program directors should be encouraged, supported to join, participate in?

Answer: Recommend both APPD (for residency program directors) and CoPS (for fellowship program directors)—good for career development and for continuous program improvements.

My medical school administration does not have a clinician-educator faculty track nor does it support protected time for faculty educators. While I continue to advocate for that, are there other ways I could provide support?

Answer: Consider supporting faculty educators’ application to institutional or national educator programs/conferences. Could also initiate awards that recognize faculty excellence as mentors or by their educational scholarship.

Additional Resources

  1. Uijtdehaage S Academies in health professions education: A scoping review. Academic Medicine 96: 1476-1483, 2021.
  2. Boucher D Early career development and graduate medical education leadership pathways. J Grad Med Ed 12(5): 644-46, 2020.
  3. Rees E, Guckian J & Fleming S. Fostering excellence in medical education career pathways. Ed Primary Care 32:2, 66-69, 2020.
  4. Mink R Council of Pediatric Subspecialties (CoPS): The first five years. Pediatr 130(2):335-341, 2012.
  5. Yager J What sustains residency program directors: Social and interpersonal factors that foster recruitment and support retention. Acad Medicine, 2022 (epub ahead of print) DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004887