Employment Agreement negotiations from the Practice Perspective

Employment Agreement negotiations from the Practice Perspective

In any game, there is always a great advantage to getting inside the head of your opponent.  Although employment agreement negotiations should never be approached from an adversarial standpoint, we think you will benefit greatly from an appreciation for what motivates an employer during the recruitment and job offer negotiation process.
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First Impressions Last Forever

As cliché as this may sound, its truth is undeniable. You only have one chance to make a first impression. Judgments will be made about you in the first four to eight seconds of interacting with someone.
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Five Things to Keep in Mind When Negotiating Your First Employment Agreement

5 things to keep in mind when negotiating your first employment agreement:

1) Always Negotiate: An institution’s or practice’s goal is always to attract the best talent with the leanest economic and professional package possible.  Failure to negotiate for those personal, professional, and economic items important to you and your family will likely have negative long term implications on your time in the role. 
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Getting to Your Goals

Whether you’re taking on the position of Chief Resident in your program, starting a fellowship or residency, or launching your medical career in a new practice, you probably know exactly what you want to accomplish. Or do you?
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Giving Effective Feedback

In a working environment, especially in a clinical teaching environment, quality communication is the oil that makes the machine run.   And at the heart of good communication among co-workers is the core ability to provide and accept focused feedback.
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How networking can help young physicians land your first position

Casting a Wide Net
How networking can help young physicians land your first position by Wesley Millican

Every young physician knows it’s important to keep up with the latest research. But if you’re looking for your first job after a residency or fellowship, extra journal reading may not be your smartest move.
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How to Purchase a Medical Practice

The current state of the healthcare industry has created an extremely dynamic and sometimes unpredictable marketplace for private practices across the U.S. If you’re considering buying into this volatile market you’ll need to be rigorous in assessing the true and transferable value of any practice you’re analyzing for potential purchase.
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International Protocol

Going Global – A Guide on International Protocols

We live and work in a global economy.  Thanks to the conveniences of modern technology, geographic distance is not a barrier for conducting business worldwide.  It is likely that you have already encountered various forms of cultural diversity in your career as a physician. 
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