Episode 4: Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent: K Award Recipients

Pediatric Insight: Candid Conversations on Pediatric Leadership
Pediatric Insight: Candid Conversations on Pediatric Leadership
Episode 4: Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent: K Award Recipients

The first years of academic appointment are often the most critical in the career of a physician-scientist. Frequently, the first external grant during this important period is the K Award from the National Institutes of Health.

In this discussion, the Child Health Advisory Council focuses on what environment and resources are required for success as an emerging researcher obtains a K Award. 

Episode 3: Faculty Retention in Pediatric Academic Medicine

Pediatric Insight: Candid Conversations on Pediatric Leadership
Pediatric Insight: Candid Conversations on Pediatric Leadership
Episode 3: Faculty Retention in Pediatric Academic Medicine

Faculty are the most valuable resource for an academic department to achieve its mission. Creating a culture to retain talented colleagues is one of the most important responsibilities of leaders. It can take years for a division and department to recover after losing a valuable faculty member.  The Child Health Advisory Council (CHAC), a group of seasoned pediatric leaders, discuss their experience in retaining colleagues and the costs of failing to do so.

Episode 2: Professional Treatment of Internal Candidates

Pediatric Insight: Candid Conversations on Pediatric Leadership
Pediatric Insight: Candid Conversations on Pediatric Leadership
Episode 2: Professional Treatment of Internal Candidates

Overview: In this Pediatric Insight Conversation, the Child Health Advisory council tackles a crucial conversation of effectively guiding Internal Candidates through the leadership search committee process. While your efforts will literally affect one faculty member, the experiences of the one will be a window for all faculty into how you value and manage the careers of emerging leaders. The resulting faculty observations and opinions will definitively impact your retention efforts, for good or bad!

Episode 1: What is a Diverse Search?

Pediatric Insight: Candid Conversations on Pediatric Leadership
Pediatric Insight: Candid Conversations on Pediatric Leadership
Episode 1: What is a Diverse Search?

Listen to what the Child Health Advisory Council™ has to say about the definition of a diverse search, preparation, selection process for best outcomes, candidate pool development, establishing purpose and metrics, executive firm expectations and more.