
The word mentor comes to us from Mentor who, in ancient Greek myth, was the counselor to Telemachus, the wandering son of Ulysses.
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National Practitioner Database Use

The world of medicine is changing rapidly and as a new physician entering the marketplace you should become keenly aware of and familiar with two nationwide databases that have been created over the last several years.
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Networking for the Right Job

Networking is by far the most effective way to find a practice opportunity that is a good fit with both your skills and personality. About two-thirds of all positions are filled through networking, because it only stands to reason that employers would prefer to hire someone referred by colleagues they know and trust.
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Networking for Success

When it came to the practice of medicine, Jennifer Lee* was tops in her class at Howard University and was one of the most prized staff members at the University of Virginia Medical Center.
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Organizational Skills and Tools

Regardless of where you are in your medical career management, just starting residency, taking on the role of Chief Resident, starting a medical fellowship or starting in a new practice,
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Partnership and Buy-Ins

If there is an opportunity to become a shareholder in the group, inquire about whether or not there will be a “buy-in.” A buy-in is a financial purchase by a new partner to become a shareholder.
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Personality Assessment

Overview of Personality Assessment Tools
Organization development professionals, marriage and family counselors, and psychologists all use a variety of assessment tools to determine how individuals process information.
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Physician Buy-In Questions

Is there a “buy-in” to the group to become a shareholder?
Once you determine if you will have an opportunity to become a shareholder in the group, inquire about whether or not there will be a “buy-in.” A buy-in is a financial purchase by you to become a shareholder.
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