The Child Health Advisory Council and CareerPhysician are committed to supporting young physicians who are transitioning from training into academic careers. To gain insights into what are the important questions that current fellows are posing to future chairs and division chiefs, we asked four current and recent fellows from three different pediatric subspecialties about the most important questions that they asked to determine the match of a position with their career goals. The following is a characterization of their responses.
Academic path:
- Is the academic position consistent with my career goals?
- What are the academic pathways and how are they defined?
- What are the criteria for promotion?
- What mentorship is available to faculty?
- What is the track record for promotion success?
- Is it possible to switch paths after appointment?
Clinical requirements:
- How is a clinical FTE defined?
- What are the clinical expectations for the advertised position?
- What are expectations for outreach clinics?
- What is the typical nighttime and weekend call schedule?
- Is there a clinical incentive and how is it determined?
- Can you “buy down” clinical time with other leadership responsibilities?
Research opportunities:
- How is protected time defined and assured?
- How is research time and package supported?
- What will the initial research package provide in space, funds, tech support?
- How long is the protected time supported?
- What is the mentorship available for investigators?
- What collaborative opportunities are available locally and nationally?
- What has been the success of recent Physician scientists in gaining funding?
- Is it possible to have research protected time as a clinician educator?
- How does the department support families and wellness?
- How much turnover has the division/department had in past five years?
- What programs are available for career development?
- Do the faculty and trainees appear happy?
General information:
- What relocation resources are available?
- Is there a signing bonus?
- Do faculty feel like the job was what they expected?
- Can I meet potential mentors?
All of the fellows said that they wished they had been more comfortable negotiating and understanding what was appropriate to ask during the final discussions with the chair or division chief. The questions provided in this paper might assist both job candidates and future employers create a successful and collegial career opportunity. Additional Pediatric Insights on career transitions are available here.
F. Bruder Stapleton, MD
Chair, Child Health Advisory Council
May 1, 2024