Jung divided people into eight personality types: extroverts, introverts, thinking, feeling, sensing, intuitive, judging, and perceptive. Career counselors contend that those of a particular personality type are better suited to certain careers.
For example, an introvert would not do well in a career that requires public speaking. However, personality alone shouldn’t be used to predict whether you would succeed in a particular career. A personality inventory should be used in conjunction with other inventories, such as those that look at interests and values. Career development practitioners most frequently administer the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTITM) for the assessment of personality. It measures differences in traits between individuals. It looks at how one energizes (Extroversion vs. Introversion), perceives information (Sensing vs. iNtuition), makes decisions (Thinking vs. Feeling), and demonstrates his or her lifestyle (Judging vs. Perceiving). When the test is scored, the individual is given a four letter code, i.e. ENFJ (Extroversion Intuitive Feeling Judging), indicating his or her perference.