Duration: 00:27:02
Time can’t be managed, we can only manage ourselves, according to Dr. Bruder Stapleton, the moderator of the latest Pediatric Insight discussion, “Time Management: Using Your Work Time Efficiently.”
Everyone is too busy and burnout is often a result of too much to do and not enough time to tackle it all. Hear from the Child Health Advisory Council (CHAC) about how they managed time in each of their healthcare settings, where crises are the norm. Learn from their successes and mistakes along the way.
They talk about how to own your day, prioritizing projects, creating a productive work environment, the art of delegating and ensuring you take the time to look ahead too.
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A national expert in solutions for solving complex faculty leadership and subspecialty talent challenges.
Wesley D. Millican, MBA
CEO and Physician Talent Officer
Professor Emeritus and Chair Emeritus at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Read more.
Bruder Stapleton, MD
Pediatric Nephrologist
Emeritus CEO, Penn State Health; Emeritus Dean and Professor of Pediatrics at Penn State University. Read more.
Craig Hillemeier, MD
Pediatric Gastroenterologist
President and Professor Emerita of SUNY Upstate Medical University. Read more.
Danielle Laraque-Arena, MD, FAAP
Child Abuse Pediatrics
Emeritus Professor and Surgeon in Chief at Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington. Read more.
Robert Sawin, MD
Pediatric Surgeon
Emeritus Professor and Chair of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Read more.
Arnold (Arnie) Strauss, MD
Pediatric Cardiologist
Have a question or a topic you’d like us to discuss? Send us an email.
Duration: 00:20:59
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A national expert in solutions for solving complex faculty leadership and subspecialty talent challenges.
Wesley D. Millican, MBA
CEO and Physician Talent Officer
Emeritus CEO, Penn State Health; Emeritus Dean and Professor of Pediatrics at Penn State University. Read more.
Craig Hillemeier, MD
Pediatric Gastroenterologist
Professor Emerita of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine. Read more.
Christine Gleason, MD
Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Michigan School of Medicine and C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Read more.
Valerie Opipari, MD
Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist
Emeritus Professor and Surgeon in Chief at Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington. Read more.
Robert Sawin, MD
Pediatric Surgeon
Professor Emeritus and Chair Emeritus at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Read more.
Bruder Stapleton, MD
Pediatric Nephrologist
Emeritus Professor and Chair of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Read more.
Arnold (Arnie) Strauss, MD
Pediatric Cardiologist
Have a question or a topic you’d like us to discuss? Send us an email.
Duration: 00:24:19
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A national expert in solutions for solving complex faculty leadership and subspecialty talent challenges.
Wesley D. Millican, MBA
CEO and Physician Talent Officer
Professor Emeritus and Chair Emeritus at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Read more.
Bruder Stapleton, MD
Pediatric Nephrologist
Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Michigan School of Medicine and C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Read more.
Valerie Opipari, MD
Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist
Emeritus Professor and Chair of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Read more.
Arnold (Arnie) Strauss, MD
Pediatric Cardiologist
Professor and Chair Emeritus of Pediatrics at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU).
Read more.
Bruce Rubin, MEngr, MD, MBA, FRCPC
Pediatric Pulmonologist
President and Professor Emerita of SUNY Upstate Medical University. Read more.
Danielle Laraque-Arena, MD, FAAP
Child Abuse Pediatrics
Emeritus Professor and Surgeon in Chief at Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington. Read more.
Robert Sawin, MD
Pediatric Surgeon
Emeritus CEO, Penn State Health; Emeritus Dean and Professor of Pediatrics at Penn State University. Read more.
Craig Hillemeier, MD
Pediatric Gastroenterologist
Have a question or a topic you’d like us to discuss? Send us an email.
Virtual interviews are here to stay. They’re cost-effective and easier to schedule; however, can you gauge if a candidate is a fit virtually? Dive into this week’s Pediatric Insight podcast where the Child Health Advisory Council discusses their experiences and the do’s and don’ts they’ve gleaned from those for both candidates and interviewers. Moderated by Dr. Bruder Stapleton, they discuss:
Host: Wesley D. Millican, MBA
Moderator: F. Bruder Stapleton, MD
Child Health Advisory members: Valerie Opipari, MD; Craig Hillemeier, MD; Arnold Strauss, MD; Danielle Laraque-Arena, MD; Bruce Rubin, MD; Robert Sawin, MD
Duration: 00:24:10
During the recruitment process, social events during campus visits are critical in assessing candidate engagement, executive presence and general connectivity with your faculty and leaders. Planned social engagement opportunities allow candidates to better appreciate your culture and to develop the chemistry and sense of belonging that will be key in your efforts to successfully recruit them. In this podcast moderated by Christine Gleason, MD, the Child Health Advisory Council (CHAC) discusses social recruitment strategies that ensure outstanding candidate experiences. They delve into the delicate balance of social issues such as who to invite, having wine at dinner and other appropriate questions that maximize social engagement.
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A national expert in solutions for solving complex faculty leadership and subspecialty talent challenges.
Wesley D. Millican, MBA
CEO and Physician Talent Officer
Professor Emerita of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine
Read more.
Christine Gleason, MD
Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Michigan School of Medicine and C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Read more.
Valerie Opipari, MD
Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist
Emeritus Professor and Chair of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Read more.
Arnold (Arnie) Strauss, MD
Pediatric Cardiologist
Professor Emeritus and Chair Emeritus at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Read more.
Bruder Stapleton, MD
Pediatric Nephrologist
President and Professor Emerita of SUNY Upstate Medical University. Read more.
Danielle Laraque-Arena, MD, FAAP
Child Abuse Pediatrics
Emeritus Professor and Surgeon in Chief at Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington. Read more.
Robert Sawin, MD
Pediatric Surgeon
Emeritus CEO, Penn State Health; Emeritus Dean and Professor of Pediatrics at Penn State University. Read more.
Craig Hillemeier, MD
Pediatric Gastroenterologist
Have a question or a topic you’d like us to discuss? Send us an email.
Social Events During Campus Visits
During the recruitment process, social events during campus visits are critical in assessing candidate engagement, executive presence and general connectivity with your faculty and leaders. Planned social engagement opportunities allow candidates to better appreciate your culture and to develop the chemistry and sense of belonging that will be key in your efforts to successfully recruit them. In this podcast moderated by Christine Gleason, MD, the Child Health Advisory Council (CHAC) discusses social recruitment strategies that ensure outstanding candidate experiences. They delve into the delicate balance of social issues such as who to invite, having wine at dinner and other appropriate questions that maximize social engagement.
Moderator: Christine Gleason, MD
Child Health Advisory Council members on the panel: Valerie Opipari, MD; Arnold (Arnie) Strauss, MD; F. Bruder Stapleton, MD; Danielle Laraque-Arena, MD; Robert Sawin, MD; Craig Hillemeier, MD
Duration: 00:28:36
Our latest Pediatric Insight is an insightful discussion on global health initiatives with special guest, Amelie von Saint Andre-von Arnim, MD, UW/Seattle Children’s Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Critical Care – Kenya. Dr. von Saint Andre-von Arnim and the Child Health Advisory Council discuss the realities and benefits of supporting candidates’ desires to share knowledge, research and patient care experiences across the globe. Moderated by Dr. Bruce Rubin, who has supported pediatric care delivery in Ukraine during the conflict, the council brings a unique perspective on the ROI of international health exchanges and programs.
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A national expert in solutions for solving complex faculty leadership and subspecialty talent challenges.
Wesley D. Millican, MBA
CEO and Physician Talent Officer
Professor and Chair Emeritus of Pediatrics at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). Read more.
Bruce Rubin, MEngr, MD, MBA, FRCPC
Pediatric Pulmonologist
Attending Physician, Seattle Children’s Hospital and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine
Amelie von Saint Andre-von Arnim, MD
Attending Physician, Seattle Children’s Hospital
Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Michigan School of Medicine and C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Read more.
Valerie Opipari, MD
Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist
Emeritus Professor and Chair of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Read more.
Arnold (Arnie) Strauss, MD
Pediatric Cardiologist
Professor Emeritus and Chair Emeritus at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Read more.
Bruder Stapleton, MD
Pediatric Nephrologist
President and Professor Emerita of SUNY Upstate Medical University. Read more.
Danielle Laraque-Arena, MD, FAAP
Child Abuse Pediatrics
Emeritus Professor and Surgeon in Chief at Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington. Read more.
Robert Sawin, MD
Pediatric Surgeon
Emeritus CEO, Penn State Health; Emeritus Dean and Professor of Pediatrics at Penn State University. Read more.
Craig Hillemeier, MD
Pediatric Gastroenterologist
Have a question or a topic you’d like us to discuss? Send us an email.
Considering the Global Health Requests of Pediatric Faculty Candidates
Our latest Pediatric Insight is an insightful discussion on global health initiatives with special guest, Amelie von Saint Andre-von Arnim, MD, UW/Seattle Children’s Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Critical Care – Kenya. Dr. von Saint Andre-von Arnim and the Child Health Advisory Council discuss the realities and benefits of supporting candidates’ desires to share knowledge, research and patient care experiences across the globe. Moderated by Dr. Bruce Rubin, who has supported pediatric care delivery in Ukraine during the conflict, the council brings a unique perspective on the ROI of international health exchanges and programs.
Moderator: Bruce Rubin, MEngr, MD, MBA, FRCPC
Guest contributor: Amelie von Saint Andre-von Arnim, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Critical Care, University of Washington/ Seattle Children’s and University of Washington, Director, Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care, Kenya and Seattle, WA, USA
Child Health Advisory Council members on the panel: Valerie Opipari, MD; Arnold (Arnie) Strauss, MD; F. Bruder Stapleton, MD; Danielle Laraque-Arena, MD; Robert Sawin, MD and Craig Hillemeier, MD
Duration: 00:26:42
What are the key questions academic leaders receive from faculty recruits and how should they respond? In the latest Child Health Advisory Council (CHAC) discussion, members share the top questions they received throughout their careers and how they handled them to ensure the recruit’s concerns were addressed. From career growth opportunities to dedicated research time to personal considerations, they’ve heard it all.
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify
A national expert in solutions for solving complex faculty leadership and subspecialty talent challenges.
Wesley D. Millican, MBA
CEO and Physician Talent Officer
Professor Emeritus and Chair Emeritus at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Read more.
Bruder Stapleton, MD
Pediatric Nephrologist
Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Michigan School of Medicine and C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Read more.
Valerie Opipari, MD
Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist
Emeritus Professor and Surgeon in Chief at Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington. Read more.
Robert Sawin, MD
Pediatric Surgeon
President and Professor Emerita of SUNY Upstate Medical University. Read more.
Danielle Laraque-Arena, MD, FAAP
Child Abuse Pediatrics
Emeritus CEO, Penn State Health; Emeritus Dean and Professor of Pediatrics at Penn State University. Read more.
Craig Hillemeier, MD
Pediatric Gastroenterologist
Emeritus Professor and Chair of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Read more.
Arnold (Arnie) Strauss, MD
Pediatric Cardiologist
Professor and Chair Emeritus of Pediatrics at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). Read more.
Bruce Rubin, MEngr, MD, MBA, FRCPC
Pediatric Pulmonologist
Professor Emerita of Pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Read more.
Christine Gleason, MD
Professor and Chair Emerita at Howard University College of Medicine in Washington, D.C. Read more.
Renée Jenkins, MD, FAAP
Adolescent Medicine Physician
Have a question or a topic you’d like us to discuss? Send us an email.
What are the key questions academic leaders receive from faculty recruits and how should they respond? In the latest Child Health Advisory Council (CHAC) discussion, members share the top questions they received throughout their careers and how they handled them to ensure the recruit’s concerns were addressed. From career growth opportunities to dedicated research time to personal considerations, they’ve heard it all. Read More
Moderator: Bruder Stapleton, MD
Panel: Danielle Laraque-Arena, MD, Robert Sawin, MD, Arnold Strauss, MD, Christine Gleason, MD, Bruce Rubin, MD, and Craig Hillemeier, MD